Saturday, September 27, 2014



Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera

Well hello guys !! What are do you doing right now ? Not too busy ? That's great ! Come, let have a look at my post now ! It's simple but do informative okay!

Okay, before this during your primary school and secondary school have you ever heard about the word P-L-A-G-I-A-R-I-S-M ? Have you ? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly my dear ? 

Let me tell you a little bit about Plagiarism. Actually it is a kind of stealing someones work without acknowledge them and also without their permission. It can be a song lyrics, a poem, a published articles, a journal and many more other sources of others work's and  knowledge especially. Plus, there are many types of plagiarism too. You have to remember that plagiarism is not a good attitude because you are cheating and pretending that the works are yours but actually it's not yours. 

During our primary school, we are not too exposed about the word "Plagiarism" and also what is plagiarism. Thus, most of us learn and get to know it in details when we are in higher institution. Some of our beloved parents also do not know at all what is plagiarism right ? They never told us like this, "Dear, you cannot do that! That is cheating you know? You have to do it by your own my dear" when they see we are copying sources of our assignment through the medium of Internet or copying our friends assignment. Rarely this situation happened nowadays. Why is this happen ? It is because we are lack of knowledge and information about the bad sequence on plagiarize someones work. For your information, plagiarism is also happened at different kind of ages.

In plagiarism, there are too many reason actually why people cheat and tend to pretend like it is their own work but the truth is not. Some of them do not have plenty of time to do the assignments or works. There are also who are too lazy enough to complete their assignment because lack of interest regarding the topic that they need to deal with. Besides that, the quality of the others work also make us want to copy it as we cannot do as beautiful as their work or writing. A habit also can be the reason why people like to plagiarize. In fact, the plagiarism cases among the students is spreading like a flu nowadays because no immediate action is taken upon them. 

Thus, in order to avoid plagiarism I recommended to you to buy a book about plagiarism. Why? It is because with a good sources of knowledge we will comprehend better what is the way to avoid it and do our assignment properly in a correct manner and also how to acknowledge people's work. Outside there you can get a plenty of useful books related with plagiarism. You can also borrow from the library right ?

Last but not least, if you want to buy a useful book but do not know which is the best book and easy for you to comprehend, I suggest you to buy book entitle 'Writing with Sources' written by Dr Krishnakumari from the bookstore nearby because it is full of information and exercises. 

One question for you my dear reader. How do you feel when the beauty of your works has been stolen by the others without acknowledge you and instead of that everybody thought that is his/her own works?  Just think about it.

Thank you for  reading my entry.