Friday, October 17, 2014



Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera

This entry is all about PARAPHRASING. Me myself love paraphrasing. Do you? I love it because when we are paraphrasing an article for an instance, we are developing our thinking skills to generate a lot of new ideas and boosting our thoughts. What is paraphrasing guys? Paraphrasing mean you are using your own words to restating the others idea and you are not copying their words 100%.

During paraphrasing you have to make sure that you use a proper word that are related with the original sentence. Some students also tend to make the changing of words like substituting word into the thesaurus. However if you are using inappropriate synonyms you might change the whole sentences and you need to beware of that and do make sure that you are exactly know the meaning of your substitution words. 

Here, there are three conditions to do paraphrasing with a proper ways.
  • When you are paraphrasing any word or sentence, it must have the same meaning with the original text where you should include all the important ideas and points that the writer want to deliver to the readers. You also have to make sure that you did not add up any new ideas inside your text because want to make it more beautiful.
  • Next, you have to use your own word as much as you can so that your sentence will not so closed as the writer original sentence. You can do this by changing a lot of new vocabulary that relate with the author's text. On top of that, a good use of vocabulary will guarantee increase your mark when dealing with your assignment or project work right ?
  • You also need to cite the the sources of reference that you got because you were paraphrasing others work and not doing it by your own ideas. You can check APA-style citation to cite correctly your author's work. 
There are also three method of paraphrasing people's work which is grammar help method, retelling help method and chunking help method.

For grammar help method, you need to change the grammar and the vocabulary of the original sentences but yet still maintaining the author's meaning. This method is often been using when we were doing our summary essay during primary and secondary school before. During the matriculation time also we are done with this method for our English subject. This technique is very easy to master especially for the short sentences.

Example : Original sentence - My teacher loves to watch a movies during her free time.
                  Paraphrasing - My instructor enjoyed watching a movies during her leisure time.

For retelling method, it is quite hard to master if you do not have a good grammar and vocabulary. This method you need to really comprehend the whole sentences and ideas. After that you retell the whole sentence with your owns. 

For chunking method, it is usually used in long paragraphs where sometimes this paragraph is challenging to comprehend. You may break the long paragraph into several pieces of sentences so that it become much better and easier to paraphrasing. 

I found this topic very interesting because everyday we are dealing with a work and assignment that require us to comes up with an ideas and own word especially students. So, if you master this topic I bet you would not having a problem anymore to do your works. 

Thanks for reading my entry.



Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera

I still remember when I was young; I do not know actually what is documenting evidence. All I know is taking the sources that I’m starving for happily and pretend that is done by me. Hehe. But then it was during my primary school, not so matured yet. When I entered higher institutions then I realised that I’ve done wrong before. I started to learn in depth in my ELC class on how to acknowledge my sources and keep trying to progress myself better on giving citation to the authors from time to time.

Let me tell you a lesson on documenting evidence that I’ve learnt before in my class so that you can also in a long with me to improve and correct yourself. Why do you need to document your sources? Why can’t we just take the ideas just like that ? No one knows we did it right ? This is because the sources that you had got before is not been produce by your own ideas nor thoughts. It is belong to the others and by doing this you are politely showing some respect to the authors. How if the authors read your works without you acknowledge them? Instead of that, it is also to avoid you from doing plagiarism continuously and please take note that plagiarism is a wrong doing approaches. Even if you are copying an image from the internet to put inside your blog or any medium of social networking, you have to cite it clearly so that people might know that those pictures is not yours and also to tell them where they can get those sources. In some cases, if you are taking someone pictures without their permission and you publish it to be your picture of your products, you might be sued by them. That is one of the bad effects of not asking the approval from the owner.

In order to give an acknowledgement you have to know the right manner of citation style. APA-style citation is the best way to know the writing style to cite your sources. In APA-style citation there are two main parts :

1. An in-text citation (not a footnote), which is given within the main text of the paper. Also known as parenthetical citation.
2.  An entry is an alphabetical list of references which appears at the end of the paper

Next, in order to write a reference list, we need to know the difference between the bibliography and a list of references. Bibliography may contain all the entries of the reference list and other additional works, while a reference contain only the sources that you have cited. There are a lot of references that you need to cite with a correct and appropriate ways. There are books, periodicals and electronic sources.

I will give you one example that I got from my reference book which entitle ‘Writing with Sources’ written by Dr Krish, Dr Nor Azni and Dr Ahmad Mazli (page 39) on how to cite an articles from an online journal with a DOI.

·         Author’s Last Name, Initial(s) (up to six names). (Year of Publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issues number if paginated by issue), Page(s). doi: DOI number

I really hope that this entry may assist you a little bit to understand about documenting evidences so that you will have an appropriate ways to publish your works, assignment and others. I hope you love the reading and have a wonderful day.

Thanks for reading my entry.

Thursday, October 16, 2014



Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejatera

Hi ! Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about sourcing material. Have you ever take any sourcing material from the Internet or somewhere else like journals, articles, magazines or etc? If yes, do you find it as a useful method to ease your assignment or works? For me, when it comes to material sourcing it’s not a problem to refer to the others but most important part you have to concern and know about the purity of the sources that you get.

There are three types of information that you have to know. The first level is single-fact information. This type of information is telling you about the factual that cannot be change such as our date of independent day. The second level is about the general information. It told us about the overall perspective about the topic you want to know. The last level is in-depth information. In this level, it give you in details about the specific topic that you required to know. Thus, in order to know regarding this information you might need to use an online search engine.

Copied from

Nowadays, instead of finding a sources from the library nearby, there are other variety of sources that you might get from Internet which is the most accessible tools and contain vast of superb knowledge. If you find the website is suspicious do avoid to take information from there. 

Besides that, you can also find a source from theses and dissertation done by previous people because these types of sources are reliable research data. From academic books also you can get a variety of knowledge that you need to complete your assignment. The academic books might develop your own thoughts and ideas relating to our field of study. The better knowledge you have the better you are in your future.

Sourcing material is a good tools to improve your understanding in a certain topics. If you are blank on creating any idea maybe you should take a look on any sources to get some point. Some people might DO NOT know actually and never rely on the good use of internet and books. 

So, I recommended for you to keep reading to improve your knowledge as reading might boost your thinking skills as well as a vast of good ideas will be discovered. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014



Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera

Well hello guys !! What are do you doing right now ? Not too busy ? That's great ! Come, let have a look at my post now ! It's simple but do informative okay!

Okay, before this during your primary school and secondary school have you ever heard about the word P-L-A-G-I-A-R-I-S-M ? Have you ? Do you know how to pronounce it correctly my dear ? 

Let me tell you a little bit about Plagiarism. Actually it is a kind of stealing someones work without acknowledge them and also without their permission. It can be a song lyrics, a poem, a published articles, a journal and many more other sources of others work's and  knowledge especially. Plus, there are many types of plagiarism too. You have to remember that plagiarism is not a good attitude because you are cheating and pretending that the works are yours but actually it's not yours. 

During our primary school, we are not too exposed about the word "Plagiarism" and also what is plagiarism. Thus, most of us learn and get to know it in details when we are in higher institution. Some of our beloved parents also do not know at all what is plagiarism right ? They never told us like this, "Dear, you cannot do that! That is cheating you know? You have to do it by your own my dear" when they see we are copying sources of our assignment through the medium of Internet or copying our friends assignment. Rarely this situation happened nowadays. Why is this happen ? It is because we are lack of knowledge and information about the bad sequence on plagiarize someones work. For your information, plagiarism is also happened at different kind of ages.

In plagiarism, there are too many reason actually why people cheat and tend to pretend like it is their own work but the truth is not. Some of them do not have plenty of time to do the assignments or works. There are also who are too lazy enough to complete their assignment because lack of interest regarding the topic that they need to deal with. Besides that, the quality of the others work also make us want to copy it as we cannot do as beautiful as their work or writing. A habit also can be the reason why people like to plagiarize. In fact, the plagiarism cases among the students is spreading like a flu nowadays because no immediate action is taken upon them. 

Thus, in order to avoid plagiarism I recommended to you to buy a book about plagiarism. Why? It is because with a good sources of knowledge we will comprehend better what is the way to avoid it and do our assignment properly in a correct manner and also how to acknowledge people's work. Outside there you can get a plenty of useful books related with plagiarism. You can also borrow from the library right ?

Last but not least, if you want to buy a useful book but do not know which is the best book and easy for you to comprehend, I suggest you to buy book entitle 'Writing with Sources' written by Dr Krishnakumari from the bookstore nearby because it is full of information and exercises. 

One question for you my dear reader. How do you feel when the beauty of your works has been stolen by the others without acknowledge you and instead of that everybody thought that is his/her own works?  Just think about it.

Thank you for  reading my entry.